Many Women Are Turning To Soy Products For Menopause Relief

By Jackie Harris

With the natural aging progression of women as they reach their mid 40 to 50s, decreased levels of Estrogen which is produced by the ovaries leads to female menopause. Symptoms commonly associated with this process are Hot Flushes, Night Sweats, Mood Swings, Weight Gain, and Vaginal Dryness. While there are medications available to treat the symptoms, there are also more natural alternatives, such as using ssoy products for menopause relief.

With symptoms ranging from moods swings, depression, hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, to weight gain is Soy as marvelous as the medical profession reports. It has been marketed as the perfect health food for decades now. Is there a possibility that these same medical experts have lied to everyone.

Synthetic chemical hormones, manufactured in a laboratory, as well as Equine hormones, and plant based products. As far back as 2002 it has been shown through testing that these HRT are not always stable and beneficial to the body. In some cases these treatments are causing an increase in the risk of Heart Disease, Breast Cancer, Strokes, Blood Clots and Gallbladder problems.

The effects of this on the population have been shown in low birth weights of babies, infertility. Animal studies are even more devastating and dramatic and have all been directly linked to the consumption of genetically modified soy. That includes allergies, sterility, birth defects, offspring death rates up to 5 times higher than normal.

Another remedy is to partake of Soy Isoflavone, rather than a soy protein. Phytoestrogen which are plant based foods, contain particles which lend to the Estrogen effect, therefore assisting the symptoms in a natural manner. This is not believed by all doctors and should be administered carefully and with a dietitian's assistance.

Un- fermented soy can affect your body in adverse ways; Phytates have been known to reduce the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, it is only effective with a long fermentation process. Unprocessed studies show growth problems may occur. Trypsin interferes with the protein digestion, indicated in pancreatic Cancers. Goitrogens are agents that affect the thyroid hormones causing amongst other things thyroid cancer, in infants soya formula is linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.

While this list of problems in un- fermented soy products goes on and on, the fact remains that not all soy based foods may be good for us. Drinking a little as two glasses of soy milk a day is enough to alter a women's menstruation cycle. Imagine feeding that high concentration to an infant, the effects are magnified 1000 fold, Studies have shown that infants fed on a soy based formula are taking in as much as five birth control pills worth of estrogen per day.

Continuing treatment, including the Soy based products, as well as the vitamins and minerals that your dietitian may prescribe for you will not only build your body up but also assist in maintaining the PH of your system once it is correct and balanced. One should never forget that while all the products in the world can assist without a varied and correctly nutritionally correct meal plan. It will be difficult for your body to cope with all of the changes caused during female Menopause.

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