12 Easy Tips for an Invigorating and Healthy Vacation

By: Jessie Gill 

Nobody wants to start the party with a cold or flu. Changes in routines and exposure to foreign germs can cause illness. A week in a hotel daycare for sick children does not relax.

Follow these 12 tips to keep your family healthy while traveling.

1. Rest. Keep your sleep schedule. This can be difficult when traveling in different time zones. Jet lag and lack of sleep will wreak havoc on the immune system. If possible, try not to change your schedule too. If you have no choice, make sure you still get 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

2. Try to eat healthily. Renting a house with a kitchen (in fact it is cheaper than a hotel). You will have more space and can prepare healthy foods. If you do not want to cook or wash dishes on vacation, pick up some paper plates and plan meals and easy snacks.

On vacation, we hope to enjoy some sweets. If sugar throat, in addition to immunity feels bad fall.

3. antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer. When traveling, we are exposed to many foreign germs that have not developed immunity. An airplane contains germs worldwide.

clean shelves and back with an antibacterial wipe. Especially if your baby will use. You never know when it will end in a bath without soap; keep hand sanitizer.

4. Probiotics. This is important. Buy a probiotic-steady high quality. Research shows that quality probiotics enhance immunity. In addition, a healthy digestive system is important to be able to properly handle the variety of new foods, different ingredients, and new water systems that can be swallowed.

5. Check travel advisories. If only bottled water is recommended, drink only bottled water! Remember this warning probably includes ice, cold drinks, coffee, tea and raw fruits and vegetables washed in tap water. Do not let the small to use tap water for brushing teeth, as they can swallow a little water.

6. zinc, vitamin C, or other supplements. The planes are confined in crowded areas around the world. The recycled air is filtered through a HEPA filter to remove germs, but it is likely that many of these germs before you travel before reaching the filter. Research shows that zinc can reduce the duration of a cold. There is research that contradicts Airborne, but the low cost, all you can do to increase immunity is ideal.

7. Do not schedule vaccinations three weeks before the trip. I am a strong advocate of maintaining an immunization schedule. Except in extenuating circumstances, such as travel. As there is a cold, immunizations decreased immunity. Schedule annual physicals after returning.

If traveling with a baby, tell your doctor when planning the trip. They can adjust the immunization schedule throughout the journey to ensure adequate coverage while traveling.

If you are traveling to a place additional vaccines are recommended, schedule-wise to book your tickets.

8. Stay away from sick people. If someone looks at your hacking a lung, try not to sit next to them. If you are stuck in your line on a flight, do not put your smaller beside them, littles are often the most susceptible to the disease.

Keep this in mind one or two weeks before your trip well. Try to avoid anyone with nasal congestion or stomach pain.

9. sensitive skin or allergies? Bring your own laundry detergent, soaps, lotions, etc. bring Benadryl and cortisone ointment, though it is available to your destination. No one wants to find a pharmacy to 22:00 because Susie-Q broke out in hives.

10. Exercise. Do not throw around like a bump. Your vacation, you do not have to run ten miles a day but get the pumping of the lymphatic system and the blood flowing, increase immunity. Do something, plan a walk, swim, attend a yoga class.

11. Do not over. I know it is difficult when holidaying. There are a million places and interesting activities you want. Try to balance. Plan some relaxation in the middle of the fun.

12. No stress. Easy to say, but connections, lost children crying and lost luggage adds. Stress weakens the immune system and provides the ability to attack germs and multiply. When chaos comes, take a deep breath and go with the flow. Meditation has transformed lives; this may be the perfect opportunity to give it a try.

About the Author:

http://www.FlusteredMom.com - clarifying confusing health info among chaos. Visit FlusteredMom.com for more tips and information to raise healthy families.

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