Does Holding Your Pee Affect You?

By: Nguyen Kinh Luan

human bladder can hold up to 0.5 liters of fluid. A normal person drinks 8 glasses of water a day takes 64 ounces (1.9 liters), hence the constant need rid of excess water. The bladder stores this excess fluid and when half full, it sends signals to the brain so that you know you need to pee. This, however, is bearable and you can decide to hold the pee more.

But how long is long, it varies among individuals. Others may hold for so long while others can not keep it long. However, it is desirable that the head is struck by the need to do next.

Although held for a short period has no effect on the difficulty focusing on anything other than your desire to urinate anything, make long and often harmful. It can lead to infection and other many side effects. The bacteria in the genital area are not being expelled, so you can enter the urethra and migrate into the bladder. The accumulation of these bacteria can cause transmission of the lower urinary tract infections (ITU). In rare cases, the bacteria can walk your way to the ureter, reaching the kidneys causing pyelonephritis, kidney disease, whose symptoms include fever, back pain. If it is not treated, the bacteria enter the bloodstream causing a systemic disorder which is extremely dangerous for life.

For pregnant women, the bacteria spread faster, there are other infections that can result. They understand:

Kidney stones in a condition like small stone grow in the kidneys due to the excessive accumulation of calcium and sodium salts along the track. The stones, it is difficult to pass urine and the pain is unbearable to come because the stones are large compared to the size of the tracks.

Cystitis the inflammation of the bladder walls mostly women suffer. Its symptoms are pelvic pain, burning and painful urination and bladder inflammation.

Voiding dysfunction that occurs primarily in children. It is the inability to hold urine and the sphincter muscles have been weakened and unable to relax.
The bladder may also swell because there is more capacity. excessive inflammation may require surgery.

Other possible effects are different anxiety, cramps, chills and upset stomach.

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