By: Jeff Keller
Phase 1 Phase conditioning
Monday: 3x10 bench press, dumbbell incline press, 3x15, 2x15-20 chest flies, failure plunges 3x
Tuesday: day of cardio - Choose your favorite exercise (running, basketball, tennis, swimming) and perform for 30 minutes
Sunday: Closed
Thursday: 3x10 Barbell rows reverse grip, 3x pullups failure, the Dumbell 3x15 lines, 3x10 reverse chin
Friday; He squats 3x10, 3x15 Romanian deadlifts, lunges 3x 10 (each leg)
Sunday: 30 minutes of cardio
Sunday: Closed
This will be his first conditioning week. This phase ensures that the muscles can be carried out in the long term. This training is 5 days per week, due to the incorporation of cardio. In addition, side exercises a greater range of repetitions and little time to rest. This will make you very tired, but will greatly improve your condition. This phase is devoted to maintaining its strength up while at the same time to shed some body fat for summer. The next phase is the phase of weight training.
Phase 2: Bodybuilding
Monday: 3x10 military press, bench baché handle 3x5, 3x10 triceps pull downs, pull tight grip 3x failure
Tuesday: Lat pulldown 3x10, 3x8 seated rows, dumbbell rows 3x8, 2x8 seated biceps curls (each arm), biceps curls up 2x8 (each arm)
Sunday: Day Off
Tuesday: Squats You 3x10, 3x8 is released (each leg), 2x failure leg extensions
Sunday: Day Off
Sunday: Romanian deadlift 3x8, 2x failure loops, slots intensify 3x8 (each leg)
Sunday: day off
This phase will tone your body during the summer. This phase consists only of the development of four days a week instead of five, as the last phase. The reason for this is that it is a muscle building phase. You are trying to build muscle, so they will need time to rest. However, depending on the amount of muscle you have, you have the ability to do cardio on their days off too. It all depends on what your goals are specific. This phase will help you pack on muscle and will help you define your body. The last phase is the feed phase and this phase will make you stronger and more explosive
Phase 3: Power
Monday: he squats speed 5x3 (using 50% of one rep max), box jumps 5x3, 3x8 slots
Thursday: Off
Thursday: Military Press 5x5, 10x2 banking rates (50-70% one rep max), beating chin
Saturday: barbell row (regular grip) 5x5, 3x2 weighted pull-ups pull ups followed by body weight 2x failure, dumbbell rows (working on explosiveness) 3x6
Thursday: Off
Sunday: Sprints 10x1, 5x5 box jump, broad jump 3x3, 3x3 depth jump
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