Hello 2016! We welcome January with a sense of excitement and hope for change opportunities and achievements in the new year. January is a time to reflect on change and for many of us, this means establishing the New Year's resolution.
You may have heard that New Year's resolutions do not last. Some studies indicate that only five percent of New Year's resolutions are maintained and that most fail in late January. If the decision involves diet and exercise, it is likely to fail '' by the time you read this article.
I do not think that does not fix the New Year's resolution is the answer. And although 95% of resolutions fail, it still means that 5% of people reach the resolutions are set!
If you do not set goals, (I call it the New Year's resolution, intention, or what you want), you're missing out on a wonderful opportunity to live the life you want to be the person live- you want to become.
In this article, I'll walk through a simple step by step to create a New Year's resolution that works.
Step 1. reflect on the year 2015. The new year is not a blank slate that is a continuation of recent years. Take time to celebrate your successes and recognize areas where they fought. The positive and negative experiences shape who you are and they can learn both. Question: What went well? What challenges do you face? What is your happiest moment? What lessons have you learned? Where are you at the end of the year compared to the beginning of the year? How did it go in goals last year? If you take the time to write your opinion you have the special gift of being able to play again in the future.
Step 2: sleep. What do you want for 2016? This is your chance to dream! You can include specific, like "I want to run 10K this year," and vague goals like "I want to be happy and healthy this year," or "I want to spend more time with my family," or "I want to travel more "objective. Attach emotion and feeling in his dream. How do you want to feel?
Step 2 ½: Do not define success solely on the result especially when it comes to losing weight. Focus on health, which becomes stronger, more confident, with action items related to this (I'll get to that part soon). Usually, the result of listening to your body and become healthier and happier is to lose weight if you need to lose weight, but do not let the number on the scale determine its success.
Step 3. Choose your top 1-3 dreams 2016. Do not worry too much neglect other ones- usually focusing on a goal, other goals will be easier, or occur naturally.
Step 4. Divide your goal into action points. The specific objectives are easier to measure, as a goal to run 10K. Or did, or if it does not. Intentions as "happy" or "spend more time with the family" or "have a more positive body image" are more difficult to measure, but if you see that they are happier, or who spend more time with family (and the family agrees), that is all that matters.
In other words, do not get caught up in the need to measure all the intentions. Instead, focus on action steps. What you need to do every day to be happier? Maybe start a gratitude practice. Perhaps the recreation programming each week. Maybe you need to work on a project you're excited to do. If your intention is to spend more time with your family, you can take action by scheduling two free electronic nights together as a family each week, or really connect with your spouse every day.
Step 5. turn those goals into action items. "It will never change your life until you change something every day The secret of its success lies in your daily routine is done" - John Maxwell.
By choosing the elements of action, be realistic. No need to review all your habits at once. Start with one or two items and build from there.
Some goals, like a goal to run 10K, may be affected more than 90 days or less. But each goal or intent to break the daily habits that can follow a week at a time. I recommend weekly goals because they are easier to manage, are immediate wins (you can feel successful after a day or a week compared with 30 days or more), and dispose of procrastination.
Step 6. Follow your daily habits. Life happens, and it's very easy to forget to spend more time with family, or packing your lunch, or maintain recognition of the practice when you have periods of stress at work, or simply " want. I recommend using a daily list of success habits to keep track of your habits.
Step 7. Get support. You do not have to do it on your own. Share your goals with a close friend, and give them a daily update, hire a coach or join a community of people who share a similar goal.
Step 8. Finally, given the grace and space to fail, and try again. An exercise session lost does not mean the resolution of your new year failed. Look at the big picture and work on getting a little better. Great is the enemy of good.
About the Author:
Tanja Shaw is a healthy-eating enthusiast, Rotarian, passionate entrepreneur, mom, runner, and owner of Ascend Fitness Inc. and host of the Fit & Vibrant You Podcast. Tanja and her team of expert fitness coaches inspire and coach others to become stronger, more confident and energetic versions of themselves. Visit Tanja at http://www.ascendfitnesscoaching.com and http://www.tanjashaw.com.
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