30 Minutes Of Physical Activity 6 Days A Week Is Linked To A 40% Lower Risk Of Death

By: Susan Brown

Increasing physical activity levels in the elderly appears to be as good for health as smoking cessation, the study showed Oslo II.

The data analysis of the study participants showed that less than one hour per week of light physical activity was not associated with a significant reduction in risk of death from any cause.

Get an hour of physical activity regardless of the intensity it has been associated with cardiovascular mortality of 32% to 56% lower or death from any cause.

Within an hour of vigorous physical activity, however, was associated with a reduced risk of 23% to 37% for cardiovascular disease and death from any cause.

The more time spent doing vigorous exercise less risk seems to be down 36% to 49%.

Whereas the risk of death from heart disease / stroke increases with age made little difference in the results.

Men who regularly participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity during their five years lived leisure time more on average than those who were classified as sedentary.

The researchers base their findings on the persons taking part in the Oslo study, which invited about 26,000 men born between 1923 and 1932 for a checkup in 1972-73 (Oslo I).

A total of 15,000 men took part in this long-term study long. Study participants had their height, weight, cholesterol and blood pressure checked, and asked if they smoked.

They were also asked to complete a survey validated in their leisure time physical activity levels weekly.

Physical activity levels were classified by:

• Sedentary lifestyle (watching TV / reading);

• Light (on foot or bicycle, including at work and for at least 4 hours per week);

• (formal exercise, sports, heavy gardening for at least 4 hours per week) Moderate;

• strong (hard training or competitive sports several times a week).

Some 6000 survivors men repeat the process in 2000 (Oslo II) and were followed for almost 12 years to see if the level of physical activity over time was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular death by disease vascular, or cause and if its impact was equivalent to quitting.

During the follow-up period, 2,154 of the 5,738 men who participated in the two health checks are dead.

In general, these studies have shown that 30 minutes of light physical activity or vigorous intensity 6 days per week was associated with a lower risk of 40% of deaths from any cause.

As an observational so no definitive conclusions can be drawn about study cause and effect, and the researchers note that the healthy participants of the first wave of the study participated in the second wave, which may have reduced the overall risk absolute death.

But the differences in the risk of death among those who were inactive and assets have been remarkable, even at the age of 73, they suggest.

The study clearly shows that more effort should go to encourage older people to be physically active with health professionals highlighting the wide range of health problems that could be avoided earlier, therefore, conclude Researchers.

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